I love teaching 6th grade---secretly I am scared that it is a great grade level for me because I have a personality that meshes well with an 11-12 year olds. Yep. There are so many things to love about that age--but one thing that tickles my fancy is that many of them "think" they have seen it all and know it all. Of course they do--they are the big kids on campus, after all. (Such a rude awakening they are in for next year when they head off to junior high.)
A few years ago I stumbled on a website called wackybuttons.com. It is really easy to use and the buttons are quite affordable (if you purchase 50 of one design, they are about $0.25 each --a little more after factoring in shipping and handling.) I give them out for a variety of reasons (completing all assignments for the week, being kind, helping out, putting forth effort, etc.) I
The kids figure out ways to display them--most put them on their backpacks. Some use them like accessories and wear different ones every few days. This year one kid is choosing the same one over and over again--he wants to see how many he can get. Crazy! They suggest new designs in their secretive 6th grade way (yesterday I heard "Wow...there are so many to choose from--too bad there aren't any Star Wars ones--that would be awesome.") I guess I am going to get to designing!
Those are awesome! I am going to look into them… the uses are endless and at 25 cents, that's hard to beat. Birthdays, math facts, reading logs. Thank you! :)
Simple Insights
They are a lot of fun! Thanks for the comment!