Thursday, December 31, 2015

Reflecting at the end of the year.

The past few months have had more struggles than successes in them...professionally and personally.  Some days I am just grateful to have made it through to the end of the day intact.  There have been moments where I question every decision I have made since becoming an adult.  I hear those cliches in my head such as"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" and I just think "Seriously?  How much stronger can I possibly be at this point?"  It is all so overwhelming at times.  

And then, something happens that gives you a glimmer of hope, a peek into a future in which the successes will outweigh the struggles, a time when there will be more smiles than tears.  Usually the moment is a small one....a student muttering under her breath "The struggle is real" as she tackles a challenging math problem; a presentation that veers off topic into an unbridled joy of sharing something "very cool"that was learned during the process; hearing your dog snorting with joy when she gets a treat;  listening to impassioned speeches to the school board about the value of teachers....the list of tiny moments goes on.  And it is the tiny moments that are the moments of saving grace for they are the things that make you stronger....that help you get through the ick and muck of everyday living. 

I hope that 2016 brings tons of tiny moments to you.....and to me.